Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Economics U$A (Seventh Edition) by Nariman Behravesh, Edwin Mansfield

Economics U$A (Seventh Edition) by Nariman Behravesh, Edwin Mansfield

Economics U$A (Seventh Edition)

Economics U$A (Seventh Edition) by Nariman Behravesh, Edwin Mansfield PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Widely renowned for its seamless integration of textbook and video learning, Economics U$A is one of the most successful telecourses ever produced.

Now available in a carefully revised and updated Seventh Edition, the text continues to emphasize the real-world applications of the most current economic principles and data in a clear and inviting format. Carefully integrated with 28 half-hour video programs produced by the Educational Film Center in Annandale, Virginia, the text accessibly frames the concepts and issues students need to gain a thorough understanding of modern economics. Each video episode features original and archival film footage, newspaper clippings, graphics, animation, and expert commentary. One-third of the videos have been updated for the Seventh Edition. Illustrated

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