Rabu, 05 November 2014

PDF⋙ Dominatus by D.W. Ulsterman

Dominatus by D.W. Ulsterman


Dominatus by D.W. Ulsterman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"Fellow patriots take notice Mr. Ulsterman has penned prophecy!" -Dr. L. Darryl Armstrong The United States is no more…and hidden away within the isolated wilderness of Alaska’s interior resides the tiny community of Dominatus. There lives a small but diverse group of people seeking out simple lives of personal liberty and freedom, but who now face termination under the oppressive and deadly regime of the New United Nations. They will fight and if need be, die for an America that once was. An America before being swallowed up by the monster of tyrannical global governance. An America before the mandates. An America before the drone killings...

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