Kamis, 04 September 2014

PDF⋙ Health and Wellness in Antiquity through the Middle Ages (Health and Wellness in Daily Life) by William York

Health and Wellness in Antiquity through the Middle Ages (Health and Wellness in Daily Life) by William York

Health and Wellness in Antiquity through the Middle Ages (Health and Wellness in Daily Life)

Health and Wellness in Antiquity through the Middle Ages (Health and Wellness in Daily Life) by William York PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Early medical practices are not just a historical curiosity, but real stories about people and health that may teach us much about the 21st century. This intriguing volume offers a comparative examination of early medicine and health care in regions as varied as ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China, the Islamic world, and medieval Europe.

• Excerpts from significant original texts to illustrate the concepts discussed

• Illustrations drawn from many different ancient and medieval cultures portraying health care providers and the treatment of patients

• Photographs depicting medical instruments and medicinal herbs

• A bibliography that puts special emphasis on identifying English-language translations of original documents for those who would like to read the primary materials themselves

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Health and Wellness in Antiquity through the Middle Ages (Health and Wellness in Daily Life) by William York Mobipocket
Health and Wellness in Antiquity through the Middle Ages (Health and Wellness in Daily Life) by William York EPub

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