Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Mad Bonds! For safe 4% a year profits on your diversified invested money by Dan Plouff

Mad Bonds! For safe 4% a year profits on your diversified invested money by Dan Plouff

Mad Bonds! For safe 4% a year profits on your diversified invested money

Mad Bonds! For safe 4% a year profits on your diversified invested money by Dan Plouff PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book teaches you how to retire comfortably with $500,000 that will give you more than $20,000 a year in profits from AAA rated bonds in a diversified portfolio that is safer than putting your money in the bank or in a house. If you have a hundred thousand dollars then you can have over three times more money safely and easily through compounding interest in bonds in thirty years from now. Many millionaires lose all their money on bad investments in restaurants, in little businesses, in penny stocks, in options contracts, and in other dangerous types of investments. Why risk your money when your millions of dollars can be safely diversified in AAA rated corporate and municipal bonds that can give you tens of thousands of dollars of safe profits every year for the rest of your life? This is a short book that gives you lots of info very quickly.

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